Sunday, January 10, 2010

Happy New Year!

Welcome 2010! I am happy to report that Christmas and New Years in the DR was quite the experience. I enjoyed experiencing Noche Buena here (had dinner at 10pm!...ha) with my host family and campo friends and spending New Years with other fellow volunteers in Cabarete. I brought in the new year by the beach! That was a first. So, now with 2009 behind me, I am looking forward to this year and everything that it will bring. It is a time for new beginnings, new experiences, new journeys, chances, opportunities, lessons, friends, and everything else! I am working hard on my community assessment and am excited for the upcoming months to really get started on some projects. This month I am beginning my English seminar with some local youth who are currently already taking an english course in the pueblo. I will also start my girl's group this month, which I am really looking forward to! :) On top of that, starting this week, I will be helping out my project partner at the school where she teaches 2-3 days a week. I am looking forward to being in a classroom setting helping out the little ones! I held volleyball practice this past Saturday and that is still going strong gracias a dios. The girls really enjoy it, and although we practice really early on Saturday mornings (8am!) they are really pumped about it so thats enough for me. Today I was in the capital printing some surveys and getting some additional resources for the girl's club and english courses. Tomorrow I will head back to my site. I think I will stop by the mercado on the way and get some fresh fruit and one or two bottles of honey! The honey is 41pesos...thats a little over one dollar! Mmm, I can taste it now...Nothing beats a natural tea with a dose of honey.
Today I also spoke to my future landlord. Yup, thats right...come february I will be moving out on my dios quiere! I am really excited about this. Essence doesnt know it yet, but she is going to be a much happier dog in about a month when she is able to run around the apartment as she pleases any time!
February is going to be a busy month though. I will be moving into my new place, My family is coming to visit, and I will be in the midst of initiating my girl's club and english class. The following month, one of my best friends is coming to stay with me for a while.
I sense that the next couple of months are going to keep me very busy, but thats a good thing.
Well, that is all for now. Life here is good. It has been a rather cold winter here in the DR. It even gets into the 50's - 60's(F) in the early mornings and late nights. Though its not as astonishing as the snow that has recently fallen in Orlando!
Be sure to check out the new photos I posted (The link is on the top right....above my mailing address)There I have pictures from Christmas Eve, a visit to a private campo of a family friend, Dia de Reyes, and a family Reunion that I went to with my host family on Saturday. We went to a campo called El Jamey about 30 minutes north of my site. It was fun. I took lots of pictures. Hope you enjoy!